Legal Services offered at Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers
Operates several advice clinics at a variety of locations and times (including evenings), makes referrals to volunteer attorneys and provides public information for low-income clients. Has attorneys on staff and can provide limited emergency services depending on the client's legal issue. Clients are encouraged to start an intake through the website, call or come by for legal assistance and referrals to other organizations. Current clinic times and locations are available online and appointments are required for some clinics (check website for clinic times and details). Areas of assistance can include: - Family Law & Domestic Violence - Landlord/Tenant - Foreclosure - Consumer and Business - Bankruptcy - Vacation of Criminal Records - Reinstatement of Drivers License - Veteran Assistance - Wills, Probate, Guardianship and Power of Attorney. Also serves as a referral partner with the Federal Civil Rights Clinic. Will direct clients to the clinic for intake, appointments, and follow up.
Physical Address
621 Tacoma Avenue South, Tacoma, WA 98402
Drop-in Intake: M-Th, 1pm-3pm Phone Lines: M-Th, 10am-Noon.
Application process
Visit the website to submit an online intake and to see in person locations/times, call for a clinic appointment, or stop by the office.
No fees for eligible clients.
Generally, households at 200% or below the Federal Poverty Level. 400% for veterans and those facing foreclosure.
Interpreter services
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers
Tacomaprobono Community Lawyers combats systemic racism and other forms of discrimination by expanding access to civil legal justice. We provide free holistic legal services, including representation, advice and education to those persons who by reason of poverty are unable to effectively access the legal system. Alongside our volunteers, we provide a wide variety of service delivery programs. Our work removes barriers which deny justice to underserved and marginalized individuals and communities by providing efficient, effective legal services addressing both individual client legal issues and systemic issues affecting our diverse client population.