Breastfeeding Support offered by La Leche League of Washington in North Puget Sound
Provides peer-to-peer breastfeeding and chestfeeding support through phone/email counseling and in monthly group meetings as well as educational materials. Coordinates a network of volunteers who are available to provide timely, free information and counseling on breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping and weaning.
Physical Address
Prefer daily, 8am-9pm.
Application process
Visit website for list of local volunteers and their contact information.
Services are free. Optional Membership is $45 per year. Donations are appreciated.
Parents who wish to breastfeed or chestfeed their babies or who are successfully breastfeeding or chestfeeding and are looking to network with other families. Welcomes all family structures.
Agency info
La Leche League of Washington
Offers free information, encouragement and support to people who wish to breastfeed, chestfeed, and human milk feed.