Family Connects offered by Answers Counseling
Offers universal home nursing/home visiting program. Provides preventative health and education services to help a woman to have a healthy baby. Includes helping families learn about and how to use needed medical, social, educational and other resources in the community so the baby and family can thrive. Also offers weekly support with a virtual and in-person Baby Lounge - a place for all families with babies to connect and learn together as parents. Groups are facilitated by a health professional. There are child care stipends available, and refreshments are provided.
Physical Address
521 Martin Luther King Junior Way, Tacoma, WA 98405
Office: M-F, 8am-5pm Baby Lounge times vary.
Application process
Call or inquire via website. Baby Lounges sign-up is online. -
No cost.
Up to 12 weeks post partum women who live in zip codes 98408, 98444, and 98499, and who have delivered at Tacoma General.
Service area
98499 98444 98408
Agency info
Answers Counseling, Consultation and Case Management
Located in eight counties and provide home visiting nursing, behavioral health, dietetic and community health services.