Health Clinic offered at Health Clinic Tulalip Tribes of Washington
Services include maternal/child health; primary care; Elder Screen; WIC; Twelve-Teen Program; First Steps & Teen Pregnancy Coordinator; Community Health Nursing; and Community Health Representatives. This department functions as a health clinic, focusing on medical diagnosis and appropriate treatment and/or referral.
Physical Address
7520 Totem Beach Rd, Tulalip, WA 98271
M Tu, Th-Sa, 8am-4:30pm W, 8am-5:30pm.
Application process
Call or visit website.
For Native American residents of Snohomish County who are members of any federally recognized tribe.
Service area
Snohomish, WA
Agency info
Tulalip Tribes of Washington
Administers tribal business and provides Community Services; Cultural Resources; Family Services (chemical dependency, veterans program, mental health counseling, youth program, acupuncture clinic, Indian Child Welfare, etc.) Recreation; a Health Clinic; emergency loans & aid; FEMA; daycare assistance; energy assistance; Senior Program; retirement home; etc.; to enrolled Tulalip Tribal members.