Early Childhood Education offered by Community Colleges of Spokane
Operates more than 30 Head Start/ECEAP/Early Head Start centers in Spokane County. Provides support for families, encourages parent involvement and coordinates child health care and nutrition. Head Start/ECEAP: Offers full- and partial-day preschool programs for children ages 3-pre-kindergarten. Early Head Start: Child development program provided at the center and in-home for families during pregnancy and those with infants and toddlers up to age 3.
Physical Address
1810 North Greene Street, Spokane, WA 99207
Application process
Call or fill out online application.
Low-income parents living in Spokane County with children ages birth-pre-kindergarten.
Service area
Spokane, WA
Agency info
Community Colleges of Spokane
Provides accredited and extended learning opportunities for students enrolled.