Pregnancy & Parenting Support offered by Public Health in Seattle & King County at Kirkland Health Center in Totem Lake
Offer pregnancy, post-pregnancy, breast/chestfeeding, and parenting services at public health centers across King County. Not all services offered at all locations. Maternity Support Services (Part of First Steps): Helps people have healthy pregnancies and recover from pregnancy. Coordinates support until the baby is two months old, and provides breast/chestfeeding support by: - Health education and counseling. - Regular visits in the clinic, by phone or video, or in the client’s home or community setting. - Support beyond the doctor or midwife, including nurses, nutritionists, social workers and community health workers. - Referrals to OB care, WIC, health insurance and other community resources. Infant Case Management (Part of First Steps): - Provides support and guidance from the time the baby is 2-3 months old through baby’s first birthday (for those who qualify). - Helps clients become self-sufficient in gaining access to medical, social, educational and other services they might need. Nurse Family Partnership: - Partners pregnant people with registered nurses from pregnancy through their child’s 2nd birthday - Delivers the support first-time parents need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. Children with Special Health Care Needs: Public health nurses provide care coordination services through home or community visits or on the telephone. Services include: - Developmental screenings and assessments - Help with concerns such as feeding, nutrition, growth, development and behavior. - Help developing and maintaining a network of services and providers. Family Ways: -Provides culturally relevant peer support for three community groups: Native American/Alaska Natives, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, and U.S. born Black/African Americans from pregnancy through age 5. -Supports clients with pregnancy, parenting, community-connections and resource navigation -Registered dietician, Social Worker, and Public Health Nurse available for consultation and coaching
Physical Address
13030 121st Way Northeast, Kirkland, WA 98034
M-Th, 8am-6pm
Application process
Call for an appointment Visits available in the clinic, at a client’s home, in the community, on the phone or on video. Family Ways: participants can call, or visit the website: or self-refer here:
None. Only bills WA Apple Health (Medicaid). Family Ways has no cost and is not a billable service.
First Steps: Must be receiving or eligible to receive WA Apple Health (Medicaid). Nurse-Family Partnership: serves low-income pregnant people with their first child and their infant until age 2. Children with Special Healthcare Needs: serves families with a child ages birth to 18 that has complex health needs or has a newly diagnosed complex medical condition and the family needs help. Family Ways: is open to all families from our three community groups (Native American/Alaska Native, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian families, and U.S. born Black/African American) from pregnancy through age 5. There is no maximum income. Participants must live in King County.
Interpreter services
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Public Health in Seattle & King County's Public Health Centers
Provides health care services to low income King County residents through a network of public health centers and clinics.