Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Occupational Therapy offered at Cooper House
Cooper House provides both mental health and occupational therapy services. Depending upon the concerns and the age of the child, we might recommend a dyadic approach, where therapist meets with the caregiver(s) and child together, or offer individual child play therapy, along with separate parent support and consultation sessions.
Physical Address
225 14th Avenue East, Seattle, WA 98112
M-F Hours vary.
Application process
Call or go online for application.
Per-visit fee ranges from $125 to $195. Accepts insurances, and out of pocket pay.
Children age 0-5 and their family or care providers.
Service area
98116 98114 98113 98112 98111 98109 98108 98107 98106 98105 98104 98103 98102 98101 98040 Seattle, WA
Agency info
Cooper House
Specializes in serving young children 0-5 year of age and their caregivers to promote the child's optimal social-emotional and motor development in the context of their important relationships. Located in Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, the clinic offers a unique integrated model by a team of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health and Occupational Therapy clinicians. Please note that the child must be 4 years old or younger at the time of the referral, and children 3 years of age or younger will be prioritized.