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Provides information and referral for family health resources. Service topics include breastfeeding, immunization, child care, child development, early intervention and parent/sibling support.
Provides information and referral for social and health services across Washington state. Service topics include the following:
- Health Insurance and Food Program screening
- Food Bank Referrals
- Dental Clinic Referrals
- Prenatal care referrals/resources
- Breastfeeding Support
- Immunization Clinics
- Birth Control/Family Planning Clinic referrals
- Child development/Play & Learn Groups
- ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaires)
- Parent/sibling support
- Sitewide Early intervention
- Parenting Classes
- Baby supplies/Clothing Banks
- Parenting Support/Home visiting programs
Offers expanded referral services for children and youth with special health care needs:
- Parent support
- School support services
- Recreational activities
- Diagnostic services for children with autism
- Social and recreational activities for children with autism
Provides information about specific local programs as well as state program eligibility screening and application assistance.
Benefits Screening
Parenting Helplines