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Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Childbirth Education
Case/Care Management
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Provides services in the home, clinic, hospital, or community. Services include nursing, nutrition, counseling and unlimited basic needs, resources (housing, diapers, financial, medical, and more). Pierce County clients are typically connected to the MultiCare health system.
Program designed to help pregnant women receive the medical and social services they may need.
All pregnant women covered under Medicaid (WA Apple Health) are eligible for services.
Offers a team that helps advise and support mothers through their pregnancy. Team includes a:
- Registered Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Community Health Worker
- an Infant Case Manager.
Services are provided wherever convenient for participants whether that be in home, clinic or in the community.
Services may include, but are not limited to:
- free pregnancy testing
- assistance in obtaining early and regular medical care
- assistance in applying for Medicaid Medical Insurance/Apple Health
- nursing information and education about pregnancy, labor and delivery
- diet and nutrition counseling
- information and education about baby care and parenting skills
- assistance in accessing dental and vision care
- childbirth education classes
- care seat safety and car seats
- family planning services
- assistance in obtaining paternity information
- assistance with housing
- transportation to all medical and dental appointments
- substance abuse counseling
- lactation, breastfeeding support and breast pumps
- free crib program
- perinatal, prenatal and postpartum anxiety/depression support and counseling.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Provides support and information to pregnant women who are also on or eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid). Nurses, social workers, and community health workers support expectant mothers before birth and for two months after birth.
Provides support and information to pregnant women who are also on or eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid).
Nurses, social workers, and community health workers support expectant mothers before birth and for two months after the birth of the child.
Services are all covered by Medicaid, and may include supports like:
- prenatal and postpartum education groups
- breastfeeding groups
- Doula services
- transportation assistance during the pregnancy
- Hospital tours
- Behavioral Health or Chemical Dependency Services
- Dental Care and
- enrolling in WIC.
May also provide information on Safe Sleep and access to cribs.
Depending on the needs on the needs of the family, they may also receive Infant Case Management which provides support and guidance until the baby is one-year old.
Purpose of the program is to help women have a health pregnancy outcome.
Childbirth Education
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Provides education, support and treatment for breastfeeding, lactation consultations, tongue-tied infants, premature infants, jaundiced infants and more. Also, connects individuals with the First Steps program which assists low income families by provide maternity and infant care services.
Provides education, support and treatment for breastfeeding, lactation consultations, tongue-tied infants, premature infants, jaundiced infants and more. Also, connects individuals with the First Steps program which assists low income families by provide maternity and infant care services.
Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Neonatal Care
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Community Clinics
Childbirth Education
Case/Care Management
Provides free case management for substance-abusing mothers who are pregnant or up to 12 months postpartum. Once enrolled in the program, women will not be dropped and will receive services for three years.
Provides case management services in 19 counties to mothers by highly trained and supervised case managers. Services are provided in the home when possible, out in the community, and at site offices.
Case managers assist clients in developing goals to improve quality of life for themselves and their children. They provide ongoing support and guidance while referring clients to needed services, including:
- Substance Use Disorder treatment
- Family planning
- Medical care
- Child Protective Service (CPS) Follow-Up
- Housing
- Benefits
- Education.
Case managers involve the participant's family, when possible, in order to help locate disengaged participants and support them in service participation.
Once enrolled in the program, women receive services for a period of three years and will not be dropped.
Limited child care and transportation to relevant appointments may be available.
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Case/Care Management
Helps parents of children with special needs by assessing children's needs, educating and counseling parents.
Offers support to families for a range of health problems, including premature infants, children with autism and teens with diabetes. Staff assess children's needs, educate and counsel parents, and link families to health care and community resources.
Local coordinators connect families to resources such as insurance, early intervention, disability related services such as therapies and other specialty services.
Parenting Helplines
Specialized Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Provides supportive case management to pregnant and newly parenting women in recovery from substance abuse.
Provides supportive case management, therapeutic parenting education and support, child development assessments and referrals to pregnant and newly parenting women in recovery from substance abuse.
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Case/Care Management
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Serves children who have or are at risk to have a serious physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition requiring additional care coordination support.
CYSHCN serves children who have or are at risk of having a serious physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition and require additional support. CYSHCN promotes integrated systems of care that assure children with special health care needs have the opportunity to achieve the healthiest life possible and develop to their fullest potential. Services can include: helping a family find or coordinate medical providers or a medical home, help accessing local resources or services for the child and provide information about local community resources, including parent support organizations and community coalitions.
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Case/Care Management
Offers early learning home visiting services, case management, prenatal and parenting education, emergency assistance and material support - such as diapers and clothing - for pregnant and newly parenting teenagers and adults in King County.
Provides services to families who are pregnant or are caregivers of children birth-4 years of age.
- Case management
- Prenatal and childbirth education
- Parenting and life skills education
- Weekly support group for women and parents
- Financial assistance to help maintain stability
- Resource referral
- Materials support (clothing, diapers, wipes, etc., as available)
Parenting Skills Classes
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Case/Care Management
Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24.
Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.
Provides civil legal advocacy to youth primarily between 12-24 years old. TeamChild’s legal team works to secure community-based services, help youth access appropriate education, healthcare, mental/behavioral health resources, safe and stable housing, navigate school discipline, and works with youth incarcerated in the Juvenile Rehabilitation (JR) system. Advocacy efforts focus on education and school-related issues such as enrollment, school discipline and access to special education; securing safe and stable housing for youth; and helping clients access public benefits, including health care, mental health services, DDA and other support. Advocacy also includes post-conviction relief, including records sealing, restitution modifications, and assisting youth with reentry supports when returning to community from incarceration.
Note: TeamChild does not provide criminal defense representation to youth or adults involved in the juvenile delinquency or adult criminal systems, nor does it offer family law representation, including child custody issues.
Children's Rights Groups
Individual Advocacy
Juvenile Diversion
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Emancipation of Minors
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Case/Care Management
Welfare Rights Assistance
Housing Complaints
Special Education Advocacy
General Education Advocacy
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Housing Advocacy Groups
Offers specialized care for women. Services include comprehensive women's health care, gynecology, obstetrics, and free pregnancy tests.
Offers specialized care for women.
Services include:
- comprehensive women's health care,
- gynecology,
- obstetrics, and
- free pregnancy tests.
Maternity Care
- Provides routine and high-risk pregnancy care
- Includes prenatal care and delivery at a local hospital.
Maternity Support Services - MSS/Infant Case Management - ICM
Households using Apple Health may also qualify for:
- Referrals to community programs and services
- Pregnancy and infant care education
- Assistance with finding housing, employment, clothing, furniture, transportation
- Assistance with finding financial assistance.
- for those eligible, support services continue until the baby's first birthday.
May also provide information on Safe Sleep and access to cribs to those receiving ICM services.
Pregnancy Testing
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Case/Care Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Child Guidance
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Case/Care Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Offers both family and individual therapy for children and families. Helps children and families use their strengths to build resiliency and develop the skills needed for recovery. Also provides comprehensive behavioral health services and wraparound supports for Medicaid eligible youth with complex behavioral health needs.
Offers both family and individual therapy for children and families. Helps children and families use their strengths to build resiliency and develop the skills needed for recovery.
Wrap Around with Intensive Services (WISe): Provides comprehensive behavioral health services and supports for Medicaid eligible children, adolescents, and transition-aged youth with complex behavioral health needs, and their families. Program uses natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals involved with the family in treatment so that youth can continue to live in their homes and communities.
Child Guidance
Community Mental Health Agencies
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Counseling
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Case/Care Management
Provides services in the home, clinic, hospital, or community. Services include nursing, nutrition, counseling and unlimited basic needs, resources (housing, diapers, financial, medical, baby items, food & clothing).
Program designed to help pregnant women receive the medical and social services they may need.
All pregnant women covered under Medicaid (WA Apple Health) are eligible for services.
Offers a team that helps advise and support mothers through their pregnancy. Team includes a:
- Registered Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Community Health Worker
- an Infant Case Manager.
Services are provided wherever convenient for participants whether that be in home, clinic or in the community.
Services may include, but are not limited to:
- free pregnancy testing
- assistance in obtaining early and regular medical care
- assistance in applying for Medicaid Medical Insurance/Apple Health
- nursing information and education about pregnancy, labor and delivery
- diet and nutrition counseling
- information and education about baby care and parenting skills
- assistance in accessing dental and vision care
- childbirth education classes
- care seat safety and car seats
- family planning services
- assistance in obtaining paternity information
- assistance with housing
- transportation to all medical and dental appointments
- substance abuse counseling
- lactation, breastfeeding support and breast pumps
- free crib program
- perinatal, prenatal and postpartum anxiety/depression support and counseling.
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Administers a range of specific programs by subcontracting with local agencies to provide support and services, birth through life, to people with developmental disabilities and their families.
Yakima Health District works in partnership with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services and Developmental Disabilities Administration to administer a range of specific programs by subcontracting with local agencies to provide support and services, birth through life, to people with developmental disabilities and their families. Yakima County's Developmental Disabilities program provides:
- Child development services for children ages birth to three years old with developmental delays or disabilities
- School Transition Support to students with developmental disabilities, in their last eligible year of high school
- Adult services to assist adults with developmental disabilities find and maintain employment and live full participating and contributing lives within the community
- Community education and information services designed to increase public awareness and build community capacity for including people with developmental disabilities
Case/Care Management
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Special Needs Job Development
Offers services for women who have experienced domestic violence such as individual assessment and advocacy, counseling, life skill training and coaching, mentoring, book studies, workshops, assistance with education and employment, support groups, children’s programs, parenting training, communication and conflict resolution coaching, peer support, chiropractic care, karate classes, gym membership, and community engagement and activities.
Offers a trauma-informed, holistic approach to healing and building a new life. Women and children participate in a safe, affirming, and accountable community. Families are equipped and empowered with the time, space, resources, and support necessary to heal and develop thriving new lives. All participants receive encouragement and support from one another, the Rise staff, and volunteers at shared dinners and meetings.
Rise program services may include the following: individual assessment and advocacy, counseling, life skill training and coaching, mentoring, book studies, workshops, assistance with education and employment, support groups, children’s programs, parenting training, communication and conflict resolution coaching, peer support, community living at Sacha's House, chiropractic care, karate classes, gym membership, and community engagement and activities.
Recreational Activities/Sports
Adult Mentoring Programs
Job Search/Placement
Counseling for Children Affected by Domestic Violence
Case/Care Management
Conflict Resolution Training
Peer Support Services
Parenting Skills Classes
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Offers the Youth and Family Tree Program, which provides treatment to youth aged between 12-25 years old who are using substances.
Provides a range of addiction and substance use disorder treatment services to support individuals and families to get on the road to recovery from substance use disorders. Includes assessments, DUI evaluations, co-occurring disorders treatment, prevention/education, and outpatient counseling.
Pasco and Walla Walla Offices offer the Youth and Family Tree Program, which provides treatment to youth aged between 12-25 years old who are using substances. Uses evidence -based practices to provide treatment and case management to youth and their families. Provides substance use disorder treatment through groups and individuals sessions, mental health treatment to those with co-occurring disorders. Also offers services to family members struggling with substance use.
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs
Substance Use Disorder Treatment Orders
Case/Care Management
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Provides free case management for substance-using mothers who are pregnant or up to 24 months post partum. Once enrolled in the program, women will receive services for a period of three years.
Case management, advocacy services and some transportation services are provided by well-trained and supervised Case Managers. Case Managers assist clients to develop goals to improve quality of life for themselves and their children. PCAP offers ongoing support, transportation and referrals to community resources to including, but not limited to: SUD treatment, family planning, medical care, support working with Child Protective Service (CPS), housing, DSHS benefits and education. Case managers involve the participant's family to support client as needed and to locate disengaged participants. Once enrolled in the program, women receive support & services for three years.
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Case/Care Management
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for youth with complex needs and their families.
Looks for community-based options to support multi-system-involved children and youth.
Staff members trained in team facilitation meet with a family, listen to their story, help the youth build a team of natural and formal supports, and guide this team through the wraparound process.
Team members include natural supports (such as family, friends, and religious leaders) and the professionals who work with the family (such as counselors, schools, Child Protective Services and probation officers).
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Child Guidance
Case/Care Management
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Prenatal Care
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Childbirth Education
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members. Services include child/adult protection services, benefits assistance, crime victim/sexual assault services, and domestic violence services.
Provides a wide array of social service to promote the safety and welfare of tribal members. ### Services include: - Child Protection Services - Indian Child Welfare - Probation - Sex Offender Registration - Elder Protective Services - General Assistance - Veteran’s Service - Assistance with Social Security issues - Legal Services - Crime Victim Services - Sexual Assault Services - Therapy for Victims - Emergency Protection Services for Adult and Children - Crime Victim Claim forms and Service Center - Caregiver Support Services - Pre-School Assistance - Violence Prevention Activities - Domestic Violence Intervention Services - Elder Services - Court Appointed Special Advocate - And other services
Adult Sexual Assault Prevention
General Legal Aid
Case/Care Management
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Intervention Programs
Home Based Parenting Education
Elder Abuse Prevention
Caregiver Counseling
Adult Protective Services
Child Sexual Assault Prevention
Offender Registries/Community Notification
Children's Protective Services
TANF Applications
Guardians ad Litem
General Crime Victim Assistance
Veteran Benefits Assistance
General Benefits Assistance
Child Abuse Prevention
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.
Offer pregnancy, post-pregnancy, breast/chestfeeding, and parenting services at public health centers across King County. Not all services offered at all locations.
Maternity Support Services (Part of First Steps):
Helps people have healthy pregnancies and recover from pregnancy. Coordinates support until the baby is two months old, and provides breast/chestfeeding support by:
- Health education and counseling.
- Regular visits in the clinic, by phone or video, or in the client’s home or community setting.
- Support beyond the doctor or midwife, including nurses, nutritionists, social workers and community health workers.
- Referrals to OB care, WIC, health insurance and other community resources.
Infant Case Management (Part of First Steps):
- Provides support and guidance from the time the baby is 2-3 months old through baby’s first birthday (for those who qualify).
- Helps clients become self-sufficient in gaining access to medical, social, educational and other services they might need.
Nurse Family Partnership:
- Partners pregnant people with registered nurses from pregnancy through their child’s 2nd birthday
- Delivers the support first-time parents need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life.
Children with Special Health Care Needs:
Public health nurses provide care coordination services through home or community visits or on the telephone. Services include:
- Developmental screenings and assessments
- Help with concerns such as feeding, nutrition, growth, development and behavior.
- Help developing and maintaining a network of services and providers.
Family Ways:
-Provides culturally relevant peer support for three community groups: Native American/Alaska Natives, Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian, and U.S. born Black/African Americans from pregnancy through age 5.
-Supports clients with pregnancy, parenting, community-connections and resource navigation
-Registered dietician, Social Worker, and Public Health Nurse available for consultation and coaching
Public Health Nursing
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Case/Care Management