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Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services. Also, has a food pantry and clothing closet.
Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services, including parent education, parenting classes, and family advocate services. The site also offers emergency food, Recovery Cafe, and WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) to promote the self-sufficiency and well-being of local families.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Food Pantries
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Family Counseling Agencies
General Clothing Provision
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Focuses on children's unique needs prior to separation, during divorce, and in other family residential changes. Required by Kitsap County Superior Court.
This four hour seminar focuses on children’s unique needs prior to separation, during divorce, and in other family residential changes. Learn about developmental stages, the grief process, positive ways to communicate with your child’s other parent and much more. This seminar is approved by the Kitsap County Superior Court for parents involved in divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions. Please visit the Kitsap County Superior Court website to learn more about this court requirement. We do not allow co-parents to attend the same class without additional documentation. Contact the class coordinator to receive the proper paperwork if you and your co-parent wish to attend the same class.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Child Development Classes
This 12-week parenting program is intended to improve the lives of children by promoting healthy father-child relationships and increasing positive male involvement.
This 12-week parenting program is intended to improve the lives of children by promoting healthy father-child relationships and increasing positive male involvement.
Based on the award winning curriculum "Nurturing Father" this program examines the roots of father, child development, balancing work and father, and conflict resolution.
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services, including parent education, parenting classes, and family advocate services to promote the self-sufficiency and well-being of families.
Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services, including parent education, parenting classes, and family advocate services to promote the self-sufficiency and well-being of families.
Family Counseling Agencies
Parent Support Groups
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Child Guidance
Parenting Skills Classes
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Program that supports formerly incarcerated individuals. Offers mentorship, training and employment classes. Also offers assistance with housing, legal assistance, basic needs (such as clothing, hygiene products), as well as transportation options.
CORE – Community-Opportunity-Reentry-Education is a program dedicated to supporting individuals who are transitioning out of Washington state’s correctional system. Through advocacy, case management, and volunteer mentors, we offer guidance and support to help navigate the challenges faced during the reentry process. Additionally, we provide free onsite services such as job readiness training, a clothing closet, hygiene kits, assistance finding housing and legal resources, and family reunification services such as mediation, court ordered classes, and supervised child visitation.
General Clothing Provision
Job Search/Placement
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Adult Mentoring Programs
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Offers parenting classes throughout the year. These classes also satisfy the requirements for mandatory court-ordered parenting classes.
Offers parenting classes throughout the year. These classes also satisfy the requirements for mandatory court-ordered parenting classes.
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Provides a 4-hour class designed to assist parents in supporting children who have witnessed, or have been affected by domestic violence. Upon completion of the seminar, participants receive a certificate of completion.
Provides a 4-hour class designed to assist parents in supporting children who have witnessed, or have been affected by domestic violence.
Upon completion of the seminar, participants receive a certificate of completion.
Classes are offered twice per month on a Saturday from 9am-1pm, and are presented separately for men and women.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides parent education, case management, family counseling, and cultural and recreational activities for children and families. Parenting curriculums meet court ordered parenting class requirements.
Provides education, information, support and resources for children and families.
Services and activities are based on Family Support Principles and include:
- Parent education
- Case management
- Family counseling
- Cultural and recreational activities
Staff and families work together in relationships based on equality and respect that enhance families' capacity to support the growth and development of all family members. Parenting curriculum meets court ordered parenting class requirements.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Parenting Skills Classes
Court approved parenting classes that specifically focuses around issues that parents and families encounter when there is substance abuse in the family.
Offers court-approved parenting class sponsored by Division of Children & Family Services Parent Partner Program. Eleven week class that specifically focuses around issues that parents and families encounter when there is substance abuse in the family. Covers topics such as child guidance, the recovery process and its effect on families, and child development.
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Offers numerous classes that are based on asset-based activities, support, community awareness, and training.
Offers programs that teach skills that enable parents to deal constructively and consistently with a broad spectrum of child rearing problems which may include sibling rivalry; school behavior and performance; poor self-esteem; shyness; drug use; sexual promiscuity; and the whole range of negative, acting-out behaviors including whining, temper tantrums, disobedience, insolence and destructiveness. Some parenting skills development programs utilize a step-by-step approach for managing specific problems and may incorporate application at home of techniques that were discussed and practiced in the classroom setting. Other programs may offer participatory family workshops which provide opportunities for parents and children to learn and practice methods for dealing with one another under the guidance of a trained facilitator. Most training programs teach the parent a particular way of talking and relating to their children that reinforces positive behaviors and communication and decreases negative behaviors while supporting the development of a relationship that is built on fairness, mutual caring and respect.
Parenting Skills Classes
Parenting Materials
Child Development Classes
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Has information about passports, state info, various forms, family law assistance, criminal fines, mandatory parenting classes, and domestic violence resources.
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Serves the courts and the citizens of Mason County in a manner best suited to provide quality, efficient, and effective service. The position of County Clerk is best characterized as the administrative and financial officer of the Superior Court. The County Clerk’s purpose is to ensure the separation of powers among the three branches of government by preserving the integrity of the judiciary. Those three branches are Executive, Judicial and Legislative.
Adoption Records
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Local Officials Offices
Divorce Records
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Adoption Petition Filing Offices
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Has information about passports, state info, various forms, family law assistance, criminal fines, mandatory parenting classes, and domestic violence resources.
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Employees of the Clerk's office are prohibited by law from giving legal advice. Provides trial information, legal forms, instructions on court procedures, passport applications and photos, jury duty information, DV resources, and the Kitsap County Jail inmate roster Assists with filing for no contact and orders orders of protection.
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Adoption Records
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Divorce Records
Adoption Petition Filing Offices
Local Officials Offices
This 12-week parenting program is based on the curriculum, Moral Reconation Therapy and is designed to address past parenting behaviors, present family interactions and assists parents in planning for a healthy family future.
This 12-week parenting program is based on the curriculum, Moral Reconation Therapy and is designed to address past parenting behaviors, present family interactions and assists parents in planning for a healthy family future.
This behavioral-based approach to parenting encourages parents to recognize the value of taking responsibility for the choices they make and for the actions that they take.
Organization is a contracted provider with DSHS Children’s Services. Course meets court/CPS requirements.
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
One on one parenting classes customized to meet court orders if necessary.
Provides one on one classes customized to meet court orders if necessary.
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Has information on attorneys, judges, and various legal forms.
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. It is our mission to serve the courts and the citizens of Grays Harbor County in a manner best suited to provide quality, efficient, and effective service. The position of County Clerk is best characterized as the administrative and financial officer of the Superior Court.
Divorce Records
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Local Officials Offices
Adoption Petition Filing Offices
Community Courts
Court Records
Adoption Records
Addresses the needs of children, parents, and families by offering support groups, education, foster care and adoption support, help for guardians, as well as special programs for foster youth and teens.
Addresses the needs of children, parents, and families by offering support groups, education, foster care and adoption support, help for guardians, as well as special programs for foster youth and teens.
- Parent Support Classes: offering support groups and classes for parents and families to help educate and support as they're raising their children. Includes: 7 to 10-week Parenting Skills Classes for parents/caregivers of children, 0-18 years of age; and 4-hour Co-Parenting Seminars required by the courts to support parents who are going through divorce or separation and have minor children.
- Adoption Resource: offers adoption counseling for birth mothers who are considering adoption or are interested in more information about adoption. Families learn how the process works, discover future opportunities, and receive support throughout the adoption process.
- Kinship Navigator: provides services to enhance the ability of relatives to provide safe, stable, and a nurturing environment for the children in their care. Services include legal referral regarding custody, financial assistance to reach basic needs, parent education & training, support group, assistance in applying for federal and state subsidies, help with child care, help in navigating through the education system, and information on medical dental, and mental health services.
- Foster Teen Programs: assists youth in acquiring the skills they need in order to live and function effectively on their own. These include interpersonal skills, money management, housing, work and vocational skills.
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Kinship Care
Adoption Evaluation/Placement
Life Skills Education
Financial Literacy Training
Organizational Advocacy Program Development
Parenting Skills Classes
Adoption Counseling and Support
Housing Search Assistance
Offers screening that determines whether a parent is engaged with their child in a positive manner. Helps to predict the quality of future/long-term parent/child interaction. Parents are referred by Department of Children Youth and Families.
Offers screening that determines whether a parent is engaged with their child in a positive manner. Helps to predict the quality of future/long-term parent/child interaction.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Family Preservation Programs
Individual, marriage and family counseling (sufficient for court orders). Parenting classes (sufficient for court orders), therapy groups.
Individual, marriage and family counseling (sufficient for court orders). Parenting classes (sufficient for court orders), therapy groups.
Chemical dependency counseling (not sufficient for court orders). Offers a course entitled "Developing Capable Young People" based on three perceptions and four skills that determine how effectively a person will handle the events of their life.
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Marriage Counseling
Family Counseling
General Counseling Services
Offers court approved mandatory parenting classes to parents in the process of filing for divorce or legal separation. Includes a four hour seminar on separation, custody, child development, communication skills, positive parenting skills.
This four hour seminar will focus on children’s needs during their parent’s separation, custody issues and/or divorce. Parents will learn about the developmental stages of children, communication skills, the impact of divorce on children and positive parenting skills. This seminar is approved by the Kitsap County Superior Court and intended for parents involved in divorce, legal separation, or paternity actions. Upon completion, you will be given a Certificate of Completion to be filed with the Court.
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs