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Helps African American fathers increase involvement in the lives of their children. Specialized programs available for fathers with children in out-of-home care, fathers 18-24, and fathers involved in the criminal justice system.
Father Engagement:
Provides fathers with information about the child welfare systems, the courts, child support, and to increase parenting skills. Engages the fathers of children who are placed in out-of-home care and increases the father’s involvement in the lives of their children.
Fathers in Transition:
Assists African American fathers who have been involved with the criminal justice system by providing employment and housing so they can positively impact the lives of their children and the community. Case managers and peer mentors meet with fathers weekly to provide support, community resources, housing and employment. Must also participate in Father Engagement.
Young Bulls Fatherhood Academy:
Weekly support services include one-on-one case management, life skills coaching, and workshops that provide access to and information about community resources, housing, employment opportunities, apprenticeship programs, and behavioral health services. Also supplies basic needs such as gas cards, food, bus passes, diapers, wipes and clothing.
Parent Rights Classes
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Parent to Parent Networking
Parenting Skills Classes