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Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Childbirth Education
Case/Care Management
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Offers an education program which teaches concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle. Workshops and classes include employment, financial, relocation, and transition assistance.
Life Skills education programs teach concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle. Workshops and classes or consultation is available in the following areas. Employment Assistance Program - Employment and Career Workshops, Local and National Employment Information, Individual Career Counseling, Resume Assistance, Federal Employment Application Information Financial Assistance Program - Personal Financial Management Workshops, Individual Financial Counseling Relocation Assistance Program - Relocation Workshops, Welcome Aboard Information, Hospitality Kits and Loaner Items, Individual or Family Consultation, Exceptional Family Member Resources Transition Assistance Program - Career Development Workshops, Preparation for Leaving the Military Support and Counseling - Relationship Workshops, Anger and Stress Management Workshops, Individual and Marital Counseling; Child Counseling Special Interest Program - Courses and Individual and Group support activities
Apprenticeship Training
Stress Management
Anger Management
Job Information Lines
Career Counseling
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Home Rental Listings
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Relationship Workshops
Social Services for Military Personnel
Parenting Skills Classes
Home Seller Counseling
Classroom Training
Family Life Education
Career Awareness
Relocation Assistance
Career Change Counseling
Family Support Centers/Outreach
General Furniture Provision
Family Preservation Programs
Vocational Assessment
Career Exploration
Lecture Halls/Auditoriums
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Housing Search Assistance
Life Skills Education
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Civil Service Employment
Layoff Preparation
Provides services in the home, clinic, hospital, or community. Services include nursing, nutrition, counseling and unlimited basic needs, resources (housing, diapers, financial, medical, and more). Pierce County clients are typically connected to the MultiCare health system.
Program designed to help pregnant women receive the medical and social services they may need.
All pregnant women covered under Medicaid (WA Apple Health) are eligible for services.
Offers a team that helps advise and support mothers through their pregnancy. Team includes a:
- Registered Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Community Health Worker
- an Infant Case Manager.
Services are provided wherever convenient for participants whether that be in home, clinic or in the community.
Services may include, but are not limited to:
- free pregnancy testing
- assistance in obtaining early and regular medical care
- assistance in applying for Medicaid Medical Insurance/Apple Health
- nursing information and education about pregnancy, labor and delivery
- diet and nutrition counseling
- information and education about baby care and parenting skills
- assistance in accessing dental and vision care
- childbirth education classes
- care seat safety and car seats
- family planning services
- assistance in obtaining paternity information
- assistance with housing
- transportation to all medical and dental appointments
- substance abuse counseling
- lactation, breastfeeding support and breast pumps
- free crib program
- perinatal, prenatal and postpartum anxiety/depression support and counseling.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Island County Readiness To Learn offers a variety of parent education classes through out the year.
Classes are free charge and open to anyone who would like to know more about the development of their child and how to best support them as they grow into adulthood. A meal and childcare are provided. Please see survey for class offerings.
Parenting Skills Classes
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parent Support Groups
Offers an education program which teaches concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle. Workshops and classes include employment, financial, relocation, and transition assistance.
Life Skills education programs teach concepts and principles relevant to a healthy lifestyle. Workshops and classes or consultation is available in the following areas. Employment Assistance Program - Employment and Career Workshops, Local and National Employment Information, Individual Career Counseling, Resume Assistance, Federal Employment Application Information Financial Assistance Program - Personal Financial Management Workshops, Individual Financial Counseling Relocation Assistance Program - Relocation Workshops, Welcome Aboard Information, Hospitality Kits and Loaner Items, Individual or Family Consultation, Exceptional Family Member Resources Transition Assistance Program - Career Development Workshops, Preparation for Leaving the Military Support and Counseling - Relationship Workshops, Anger and Stress Management Workshops, Individual and Marital Counseling; Child Counseling Special Interest Program - Courses and Individual and Group support activities
Home Rental Listings
Prejob Guidance
Lecture Halls/Auditoriums
Homebuyer/Home Purchase Counseling
Home Seller Counseling
Military Transition Assistance Programs
Job Information Lines
Parenting Skills Classes
Social Services for Military Personnel
General Furniture Provision
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Career Change Counseling
Relationship Workshops
Career Exploration
Housing Search Assistance
Layoff Preparation
Life Skills Education
Anger Management
Relocation Assistance
Career Awareness
Family Life Education
Job Search/Placement
Family Preservation Programs
Military Family Service/Support Centers
Vocational Assessment
Civil Service Employment
Stress Management
Apprenticeship Training
Career Counseling
Classroom Training
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Prenatal Care
Childbirth Education
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Helps Spanish-speakers find needed social, health, or human resources in their community.
Helps Spanish-speakers find needed social, health, or human resources in their community. Also provides individual advocacy and assists filling out documents.
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Individual Advocacy
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Specialized Information and Referral
Hosts social service agencies providing intergenerational, cross-cultural and community-building activities; includes legal workshops, bilingual assistance, parenting classes and support groups.
Part of a network of family centers funded by the City of Seattle’s Human Services Department, International Family Centers act as a hub from which professional services are mobilized to facilitate the process of families becoming self-sufficient.
Services contribute to building a healthy and vibrant community and may include: - Informal support networks - Intergenerational, cross-cultural and community-building activities
- Referral and advocacy assistance
- Child and youth development classes
- New immigrant orientation workshops
- Financial management workshops
- Health workshops
- Legal workshops
- Employment training
- Parenting classes
- Support groups
- Cultural activities
Service providers include the following and more:
- The Seattle Public Library
- Seattle University’s Access to Justice Institute
- Seattle Public Schools
- International Community Health Services
- Seattle King County Public Health
- City of Seattle Help for Working Families Program
- Washington State University Extension Program
- Refugee and Immigrant Parent Advocacy Network
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Operates a food pantry with the following additional items based on availability: diapers & baby wipes, children's clothing, blankets, hygiene items, and small household items. Also provides resource referrals for essential services.
Operates a food pantry with the following items based on availability:
- Diapers & Baby Wipes
- New/Gently Used Children's Clothing & Shoes
- Blankets
- Personal Hygiene Items
- Small Household Items
- Modest Offering of Non-Perishable Food Items
Also provides resource referrals for essential services.
Children's Clothing
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Food Pantries
Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services. Also, has a food pantry and clothing closet.
Offers children and family counseling, treatment for child victims of sexual abuse, and coordination of family support services, including parent education, parenting classes, and family advocate services. The site also offers emergency food, Recovery Cafe, and WIC (Women, Infants, & Children) to promote the self-sufficiency and well-being of local families.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Food Pantries
Adoption and Foster/Kinship Care Support Groups
Family Counseling Agencies
General Clothing Provision
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Parent Support Groups
Parenting Skills Classes
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Child Sexual Abuse Counseling
Offers free and confidential information, direct assistance and advocacy to individuals and families who speak Russian or Chinese languages and have limited English language skills.
Offers free and confidential information, direct assistance and advocacy to individuals and families who speak Russian or Chinese languages and have limited English language skills. Helps people to navigate systems, find resources, learn about programs and connect to their community. Services include, but are not limited to the following:
- Help with basic needs such as health care, food stamp, housing, financial security benefits, transportation, etc.
- Sign up ESL and assistance in naturalization application
- Assistance with children’s school issues
- Signing up for social and recreational activities
- Child care resources and school system
– Informational and educational workshops
All services provided are confidential.
Immigrant Resettlement Services
Immigrant Mutual Assistance Associations
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Food Stamps/SNAP Applications
Refugee Resettlement Services
Housing Search Assistance
Immigrant Accompaniment Programs
General Education Advocacy
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Child Care Provider Referrals
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Provides a wide range of community health services, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Provides a wide range of community health services in selected sites throughout Washington, which include: Maternity Support, Infant Case Management, Maternal Child Health, Maternal Child Health, & Maternity Case Management.
Maternity Support Services: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include;
- Community Health Nurse
- Behavioral Health Specialist
- Case Manager
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on your needs and concerns at certain stages of your pregnancy and after delivery. For example women may receive education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Infant Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family after the baby delivery. Services are provided by a member of the agency's interdisciplinary team. The goal is to improve the parent(s) self-sufficiency in gaining access to needed medical, social, educational, and other services.
* Services are offered in: Grandview, Prosser, Spokane, Toppenish, Walla Walla, Wapato, and Yakima.
Maternal Child Health: Enables healthcare providers to address healthcare needs and concerns regarding the child. A professional can assist by visiting the child and mother at home.
* Service is offered in: Yakima County only.
Maternity Case Management: Enables healthcare providers to educate and support women and their family during your pregnancy and after delivery.
Services include:
- Community Health Nurse
- Social Worker
- Community Health Worker
- Registered Dietician
Provides personalized home and office visits focusing on the needs and concerns at certain stages of the pregnancy and after delivery. For example education on Labor and Delivery, counseling services to help cope with the life changing circumstances that come with a new pregnancy, breastfeeding, and nutrition education.
* Services are offered in: Walla Walla, Salem, Portland, and Woodburn, Oregon.
Prenatal Care
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Childbirth Education
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Case/Care Management
Provides human and health services with basic needs, mental health, transitional housing, housing programs for literally and chronically homeless households, and family support services.
Provides human and health services with basic needs, mental health, transitional housing, housing programs for literally and chronically homeless households, case management, and family support services.
Prescription Expense Assistance
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Case/Care Management Referrals
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Electric Service Payment Assistance
General Clothing Provision
A community hub where individuals and parents with children can attend programs and workshops, access community resources, connect with others, and receive information and referrals.
A community hub where individuals and families can attend programs and workshops, access community resources, connect with others, and receive information and referrals. Services include: fax, copies, printing, free Wifi, public computer access, tele-health kiosk, vaccines, senior services, Head Start, community meals, DSHS and other application support, a health fair on the 3rd Saturday in May 10am-2pm, Trick Or Treat Resource Fair 5-7pm Oct 31st, notary public and more.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Public Internet Access Sites
Public Access Computers/Tools
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Telephone Facilities
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides child and family counseling services. Helps clients build a stronger family through communication, stress management, parenting and problem-solving skills. Accepts Medicaid and offers sliding scale fees.
Multi-service family support program offers outpatient mental health services for children and families. Services include case management, brief intervention treatment, less restrictive alternative support and family, group and individual therapy. Agency provides DBHR-certified service(s).
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Family Counseling Agencies
Family Counseling
Parent Counseling
Offers clothing, household items, hygiene, food and laundry vouchers. Provides case management support, use of computer and internet.
Offers clothing, household items, hygiene, food and laundry vouchers. Provides case management support and access to computers for job searches and connecting to resources.
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Laundry Vouchers
Household Goods Vouchers
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Specialized Information and Referral
Food Vouchers
Gas Money
Clothing Vouchers
Case/Care Management
Provides two parenting education programs (Mother2Mother and the Incredible Years) to help parents better their parenting skills.
Provides two parenting education programs (Mother2Mother and the Incredible Years) to help parents better their parenting skills.
Mother2Mother: Offers a 10-week parenting education program for mothers of children birth to 3 years who have histories of childhood trauma. The program addresses topic such as social connection, resiliency, coping with stress, forming mother-child bonds, disciplining children, and other parenting topics relevant to mothers who have experienced trauma. The program is offered for free and childcare is provided.
The Incredible Years: Offers weekly group meetings for parents where they learn about building strong relationships with their children using play and praise, as well as effective discipline strategies. Free childcare is provided during the parenting education program.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides connections to after school programs, camps, outreach and engagement, teen prevention programs, teen mentoring, a community gymnasium, and public events.
Provides connections to after school programs, camps, outreach and engagement, teen prevention programs, teen mentoring, a community gymnasium, and public events.
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Recreational Activities/Sports
Adult/Child Mentoring Programs
Neighborhood Multipurpose Centers
Information and referral for services in the Stanwood and Camano Island area.
Telephone and in-office assistance with information and referral for services in the Stanwood and Camano Island area.
Specialized Information and Referral
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Programs that link families to community resources and offers parenting classes and workshops, English and Spanish toddler playgroups, bi-annual infant clothing and toy swap.
Programs that link families to community resources and offers parenting classes and workshops, English and Spanish toddler playgroups, bi-annual infant clothing and toy swap.
Baby Clothing
Parent/Child Activity Groups
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parenting Skills Classes
Children's Clothing
Provides child and family counseling services. Helps clients build a stronger family through communication, stress management, parenting and problem-solving skills. Accepts Medicaid and offers sliding scale fees.
Multi-service family support program offers outpatient mental health services for children and families. Services include case management, brief intervention treatment, less restrictive alternative support and family, group and individual therapy. Agency provides DBHR-certified service(s).
Family Counseling Agencies
Parent Support Groups
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Parent Counseling
Parent/Child Instruction
Family Counseling
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Parenting Materials
Parenting Skills Classes
Offers family & parenting support through groups, like a mothering group for new mothers and parent support for couples and/or single parents with children up to age 3.
Offers family & parenting support through groups, like a mothering group for new mothers and parent support for couples and/or single parents with children up to age 3; child care and meals are provided during class. Offers individual support and referral services to help parents and families find the right resources to support their health and well-being.
Parent Support Groups
Maternity Clothing
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Baby Clothing
Program that helps parents promote healthy development in children, and to deal with a wide variety of common social, emotional and behavioral issues and developmental concerns.
Program that helps parents promote healthy development in children, and to deal with a wide variety of common social, emotional and behavioral issues and developmental concerns. This course is a prevention program and does NOT satisfy court ordered requirements. Programs available in English and Spanish.
Course helps:
- Strengthen family relationships
- Encourage positive behaviors
- Teach a child new skills and behaviors
- Gain confidence handling disruptive or challenging behaviors
- Taking care of yourself as a parent.
Offers a Triple P Group where parents in similar situations can meet.
Parents who can support each other and share their stories.
Each group is 8 weeks,1-2 hours per week.
Triple P Group is free and open to families with children ages 0-17.
Parent Support Groups
Home Based Parenting Education
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Provides community information and referral for people with disabilities, their family members, friends and service providers working with the disability community.
Provides community information and referral for people with disabilities, their family members, friends and service providers working with the disability community.
Specialized Information and Referral
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Disease/Disability Information
Caregiver Consultation and Support