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Provides information and referral for family health resources. Service topics include breastfeeding, immunization, child care, child development, early intervention and parent/sibling support.
Provides information and referral for social and health services across Washington state. Service topics include the following:
- Health Insurance and Food Program screening
- Food Bank Referrals
- Dental Clinic Referrals
- Prenatal care referrals/resources
- Breastfeeding Support
- Immunization Clinics
- Birth Control/Family Planning Clinic referrals
- Child development/Play & Learn Groups
- ASQ (Ages & Stages Questionnaires)
- Parent/sibling support
- Sitewide Early intervention
- Parenting Classes
- Baby supplies/Clothing Banks
- Parenting Support/Home visiting programs
Offers expanded referral services for children and youth with special health care needs:
- Parent support
- School support services
- Recreational activities
- Diagnostic services for children with autism
- Social and recreational activities for children with autism
Provides information about specific local programs as well as state program eligibility screening and application assistance.
Benefits Screening
Parenting Helplines
Operates a hotline that provides short-term crisis counseling, resource referral and emergency intervention to teens and their parents.
Provides short-term crisis counseling, referral to local resources, and emergency intervention for youth and parents through a national hotline. Problems routinely dealt with include, but are not limited to, family conflicts, suicide, pregnancy, abuse, running away from home and alcohol/drug addictions.
Runaway/Homeless Youth Helplines
Youth Issues Information Services
Parenting Helplines
Statewide phone line provides supportive listening, parenting education, assistance with finding support, advocacy and referrals for parenting classes, support groups and family resources. Maintains an online resource database.
Operates a parenting help line where live coaches provide education, supportive listening, and help finding additional assistance via telephone, email, or zoom.
Offers referrals for parenting classes (including court ordered), support groups and family resources such as IEPs, parenting plans, family friendly activities, and more.
Provides an online statewide searchable database of classes, groups and resources.
Recorded resource line available after hours.
Parenting Helplines
Helps parents of children with special needs by assessing children's needs, educating and counseling parents.
Offers support to families for a range of health problems, including premature infants, children with autism and teens with diabetes. Staff assess children's needs, educate and counsel parents, and link families to health care and community resources.
Local coordinators connect families to resources such as insurance, early intervention, disability related services such as therapies and other specialty services.
Specialized Information and Referral
Case/Care Management
Parenting Helplines
Comprehensive and up-to-date birth and family education.
Provides comprehensive and up-to-date birth and family education at the most affordable price for pregnant women and their families. Program offers a full spectrum of classes covering pregnancy through parenting teens and is taught by certified childbirth educators. Learn what to expect during pregnancy and labor, parenting skills for newborn, young child, or teen, and you'll meet other people experiencing some of the same joys and challenges that go along with being a mom or dad. Support groups are also available.
Child Passenger Safety Education
CPR Instruction
Child Development Classes
New Dad Parenting Programs
General Bereavement Support Groups
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Bereaved Parent Support Groups
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Hearing Screening
Bereavement Counseling
Childbirth Education
Coordinates support groups for women with postpartum depression and their families; operates a peer warm line and makes referrals to PPMD treatment professionals and other supportive services.
Coordinates support groups for parents experiencing perinatal mood disorders (PPMD) and their families.
Warm Line offers free 24 hour telephone support for all parents and their family members. The line is staffed by parents who have experienced a perinatal mood and/or anxiety disorder and have recovered fully or licensed therapists with specialized training in perinatal mental health.
Also offers a Dad's line, and help in English and Spanish.
Offers Parent Resilience Specialists for short or long-term support in King or Pierce County.
Provides referrals to health care professionals specializing in the treatment of PPMDs.
Offers telehealth with therapists specializing in the treatment of PMADs.
Maintains an online directory of other programs providing therapy, consultation, assessment and supportive services.
Affiliated with Postpartum Support International.
Parenting Helplines
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Treatment
Works to eliminate barriers for children that have developmental disorder, chronic healthcare needs, and cancer in Pacific Northwest communities.
Works to eliminate barriers for children and young adults, ages 0-Adults, that have a developmental disorder, chronic healthcare needs, or cancer in Pacific Northwest communities. Provides access to resources, parent education, development of programs that encourage play, socializations, support systems, and community collaborations with entities that put children's needs first.
Parent Support Groups
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Health/Disability Related Social Clubs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Parent to Parent Networking
Parenting Skills Classes
Social Skills Training
Child Development Classes
Provides educational classes on various health related issues.
Classes cover topics such as baby care and safety, senior health, childbirth preparation, first aid, CPR, disease management, diabetes education, emergency and safety education, and neurological and movement disorders.
Child Development Classes
Driving Safety Education
CPR Instruction
General First Aid Instruction
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Offers a one-time, four-hour class for expectant fathers through local hospitals. Basic infant care skills are taught by a male instructor. Provides a "hands-on" overview of a baby's basic needs.
Offers a one-time, two-hour class for expectant fathers through local hospitals and parent centers. Basic infant care skills are taught by a male instructor.
Provides a "hands-on" overview of a baby's basic needs, the "things every parent needs to know," and how to build a solid relationship with your child from the very first day.
Includes book A Guide for Expectant Fathers by Bernie Dorsey.
Child Development Classes
New Dad Parenting Programs
Offers non-threatening and anonymous parenting information and problem-solving assistance. Does not offer legal or medical advice.
The Warm Line is a way for parents to receive information in a non-threatening and anonymous fashion. Parent Line staff are trained as supportive listeners who assist callers identifying issues and how to take the next step in resolving the problem. Parent Line staff are trained as supportive listeners and will assist you in identifying the issue, and how to "take the next step" in resolving the problem. Parents have called seeking information about a multitude of parenting concerns: How do I get my son to do his homework? I just found marijuana in my daughter’s bedroom. What do I do? What are my rights as a parent if my child runs away? How can I get the school to provide services for my ADHD child? My toddler keeps climbing out of her crib at night. Should I lock the door so she can’t get out? Are temper tantrums normal? Parent Line does not offer legal or medical advice, but staff can give you referrals.
Parenting Helplines
Provides telephone support for parents working with out-of-control, at-risk or runaway teenagers or problem adult children. Also facilitates online weekly support groups for parents and guardians at four locations.
Provides support for parents, grandparents, adoptive and single parents and guardians of children that are engaging in out-of-control, oppositional and self-destructive behaviors.
Weekly online support groups for parents and guardians
Meetings follow a structured format based on cognitive behavioral principles.
Meetings are ongoing and include an orientation for anyone new to the program.
Parenting Helplines
Parent Support Groups
Support group network provides breastfeeding and chestfeeding information and assistance in North Sound. Volunteers are available to provide 24-hour information and counseling on breastfeeding and parenting.
Provides peer-to-peer breastfeeding and chestfeeding support through phone/email counseling and in monthly group meetings as well as educational materials.
Coordinates a network of volunteers who are available to provide timely, free information and counseling on breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping and weaning.
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Parenting Helplines
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Provides crisis intervention through emotional support, information and referral for parents of children with learning disabilities and adults with learning disabilities.
Provides information, emotional support and professional referrals for parents of children with learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders, as well as adults experiencing learning disabilities and related conditions.
Parenting Helplines
Parent to Parent Networking
Specialized Information and Referral
Offers education to parents about the reasons a baby may cry, especially covering the time period that babies are likely to cry for no easy-to-understand reason. Purpose is to help parents/caregivers, and to help prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Offers education to parents about the reasons a baby may cry, especially covering the time period that babies are likely to cry for no easy-to-understand reason.
Pierce County parents are offered this information when they leave the hospital with their newborn, but it can be helpful to have reminders of it, or provide it to those who are helping with the child.
Purpose of the program is to prevent Shaken Baby Syndrome.
Child Development Classes
Parenting Materials
The New Parent Support Team (NPST) is a voluntary program for expectant/new Navy parents.
The New Parent Support Team (NPST) is a voluntary program for expectant/new Navy parents. Home visitation is the core service, with a focus on the health needs of infants and toddlers, prenatal and postnatal care, parent education, family/social support, and resources within the community. Services focus on supporting the parent as well as parent-child interaction and child development.
Pediatric Home Nursing
Prenatal Care
Outreach Programs
Family Support Centers/Outreach
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Neonatal Care
Postpartum Care
Specialized Information and Referral
Child Development Classes
Home Based Parenting Education
Families work one-on-one with a Parent Coach, in the child's natural learning environment, identifying learning opportunities in daily family routines such as bath time, mealtime, or during play.
Families work one-on-one with a Parent Coach, in the child's natural learning environment, identifying learning opportunities in daily family routines such as bath time, mealtime, or during play. Each family creates a customized Individualized Family Service Plan with their Coach, outlining the specific early intervention goals. ChildStrive's family centered early intervention services and programs include: - Developmental Screenings andComprehensive Evaluations - Individualized Family Service Plans - Family Resource Coordination - Referral Services - Supports provided by a team of professionals made up of Physical or Occupational Therapist, Speech & Language Therapist, Special Educator, and counselor and Parent Coaching supports from one team member. - Feeding Intervention - Counseling - Parent & Infant Support Groups - Parent & Toddler Play Groups for children of all abilities - Parent Workshops - Spanish Speaking Preschool - Homeless Shelter Outreach
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Child Development Classes
Offers parenting classes for new and expectant parents. Participants earn vouchers they can spend at a baby boutique for items like diapers, formula, clothing. Specialized programs offered for fathers.
Facilitates one-on-one meetings with a parenting mentor, who can help clients set up a class schedule and meet for individual parenting training sessions and encouragement.
Class topics may include:
- Nurturing relationships.
- Safe places
- Healthy start
- Effective education
Clients enrolled and participating in the parenting program may be eligible for additional support.
Participants earn "Care Net Cash" which they can use to shop in the baby boutique, which has items like diapers, formula, clothing and baby furniture including car seat
Limited one-time assistance provided for non-participants.
Formula/Baby Food
Child Development Classes
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Parenting Skills Classes
Operates a helpline that foster parents licensed by DSHS and relatives authorized to care for dependent children can access when they are in crisis after hours. Callers do not have to identify themselves.
Operates a helpline that foster parents and relative caregivers can access when they are in crisis.
Crisis line workers will be able to listen and offer advice about how to manage children with emotional or behavioral problems.
The support line operates after business hours, when social workers and foster care licensors are not available.
Primarily helps with issues that can’t wait until the next business day. A few examples of problems the social worker answering the phone can help with include:
- Troubleshooting behavioral problems
- What to do in medical or mental health emergencies
- Helping to access resources such as short-term emergency child care.
Callers do not have to identify themselves.
Support group network provides breastfeeding and chestfeeding information and assistance in Southwest Washington. Volunteers are available to provide 24-hour information and counseling on breastfeeding and parenting.
Provides peer-to-peer breastfeeding and chestfeeding support through phone/email counseling and in monthly group meetings as well as educational materials.
Coordinates a network of volunteers who are available to provide timely, free information and counseling on breastfeeding, chestfeeding, pumping and weaning.
Parenting Helplines
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Pregnancy/Childbirth Support Groups
Provides two types of courses for parents. Includes instruction in child development, family communication and discipline, and providing a quality learning environment for children.
Provides two types of courses for parents.
Includes instruction in child development, family communication and discipline, and providing a quality learning environment for children.
Parent-Child Series:
Parents and children (birth to 4 years old) come to class together once a week for parent education discussion, child-study and developmentally appropriate children's activities.
Provides an array of topics for parents to learn from.
Co-op Preschool Parenting Education:
For families who have joined one of the three affiliated neighborhood preschools.
College instructor assists parents who run the preschool, attends monthly educational seminars and work in the preschool classroom on a rotating basis.
This program is organized through the preschools.
Child Development Classes
Parenting Skills Classes
Provides assistance for pregnant women, new mothers, and babies. Programs include education, public health nurses, home visits, breastfeeding support, community resources and children with special needs services.
Parent Child Health supports families in Kitsap with multiple programs. Our staff is available to provide referrals and guidance to all pregnant and parenting families in the county in both English and Spanish.
We are proud to serve our community with Nurse-Family Partnership, a free, personal nurse for first time, low income mothers. New mothers receive support, education and valuable resources to be the best parent they can be. Children and Youth with Special Care Needs is a free program providing support for families and providers taking care of a child who has or is at risk to have a physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition. Our goal is to partner with our community to give each child a chance to reach his or her fullest potential. Kitsap Supports Breastfeeding is a network of supports for lactating parents and promotes breastfeeding in our community. Our staff is available to provide referrals and guidance to all pregnant and parenting families in the county in both English and Spanish.
Newborn Screening
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Well Baby Care
Breastfeeding Support Programs
Parenting Helplines
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Provides supports to help diffuse parental conflicts which can lead to abduction or abuse.
Provides supports to help diffuse parental conflicts that can lead to abduction or abuse.
Supports can include:
- Crisis intervention
- Parenting skill building
- Information & Referral (which can include: legal, financial).
Parent Counseling
Parenting Helplines
Provides age appropriate information for parents of children birth to age five relating to cognitive and social/emotional skills needed to prepare a child to enter kindergarten.
Provides age appropriate information for parents of children birth to age five relating to cognitive and social/emotional skills needed to prepare a child to enter kindergarten.
Provides kindergarten readiness seminars for parents of children birth to age five.
Child Development Classes
Parenting Skills Classes
Early Literacy Development Programs
School Readiness Programs
Thriving Heart is an educational resource that coaches the next parenting generation through life-skill classes, focus groups, and workshops with an emphasis on building relationship through community.
Thriving Heart is an educational resource that coaches the next parenting generation through life-skill classes, focus groups, and workshops with an emphasis on building relationship through community.
Child Development Classes
Life Skills Education
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Talkline offers a free and confidential space to talk about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption.
Talkline offers a free and confidential space to talk about pregnancy, parenting, abortion, and adoption. Peer Counselors offer judgment-free support at any point before, during, and after pregnancy, regardless of which options the caller is considering.
Postabortion Counseling
Parenting Helplines
Specialized Information and Referral
Crisis Pregnancy Hotlines
Abortion Referrals
Peer Counseling
Pro-Choice Pregnancy Counseling
Pre-Abortion Counseling