1-16 of 16
Offers domestic violence support, crisis intervention, support groups, and legal advocacy services to abused Latino women and their families.
Provides legal support and advocacy-based domestic violence counseling that helps survivors overcome barriers. Offers culturally and linguistically trauma-informed intervention, prevention, and outreach services including DV crisis response.
Services include transitional housing, safety planning, meeting basic needs, individual and family therapy, peer group counseling as well as bilingual and bicultural, and step-by-step guidance to help navigate legal systems that ensure protection orders are in place and enforced by the law.
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Crime Victim Safety Planning
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Operates clinics that focus on more complex family law issues, including cases involving children or debt/asset division between parties. Free 30-minute legal consultations available for individuals not already represented by an attorney.
Operates legal clinics where free 30-minute legal consultations are available for individuals who are not already represented by an attorney. As of 9/2024, most clinics are operating via phone with limited in-person availability in Kent (details provided when a client schedules an appointment). Wait times are often several months for Family Law Clinics.
Clinics focus on more complex family law issues including any case involving children or debt/asset division between parties. If needed, a client may be referred to further legal services.
Attorneys at the clinic can:
- Determine if a client has a legal problem
- Explain legal rights and responsibilities
- Suggest steps that might be taken to solve the problem, including self-help strategies
- Refer clients needing specialized legal help to law-related agencies
Clinic attorneys DO NOT represent a client in court or prepare court papers.
Alimony Assistance
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Divorce Assistance
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Child Abuse Protective/Restraining Orders
Paternity Suits
Provides assistance and support navigating the civil justice systems.
Provides a crisis response, safety planning, and support services to victims of domestic violence and their children. Advocacy based counseling, protection orders, advocacy at court hearings and more. YWCA Kitsap County offers Legal Advocacy Services to victims of domestic violence. These services include: Legal Advocacy, Case Management, Safety Planning, Victims’ Rights Information, Civil and Criminal Justice System Navigation, Court Accompaniment, Protection Orders Information, Referrals for Legal Representation, Resources, Bilingual/Bicultural Advocacy Services Available, Monthly Legal Clinic, YWCA Kitsap County collaborates with Kitsap Legal Services to offer a monthly legal clinic for victims to speak with an attorney for free when they are available.
Rescind Protection Orders
In order to rescind a Protection Order in Kitsap County, an appointment must be made with a YWCA Legal Advocate to access information and safety planning.
Individual Advocacy
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Provides a safe shelter, support, and resources to empower survivors of domestic violence.
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis 24-hour domestic hotline, legal advocacy, women's support groups, advocacy-based counseling, children's programs, and housing services for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Housing Search Assistance
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Cell Phone Donation Programs
Individual Advocacy
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Provides free 1-hour appointments for advice on family law legal issues involving domestic violence. Attorneys at the clinic are not able to provide representation. Serves low-income residents in East, Northeast and Southeast King County.
ELAP provides free 1-hour appointments with a family law attorney for advice and consultation on family law legal issues involving domestic violence.
Attorney volunteers are not able to provide full representation or represent clients in court.
Divorce Assistance
Adoption Legal Services
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Judicial Advocacy
Emancipation of Minors
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Paternity Suits
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Family Justice Centers
Grandparent Rights
Provides free 1-hour appointments for advice on family law legal issues. Attorneys at the clinic are typically not able to provide representation. Serves low-income residents of East, Northeast and Southeast King County (does not serve Seattle residents.)
Provides free 1-hour appointments with a family law attorney for advice and consultation on family law legal issues.
Attorneys at the clinic do not provide full representation or represent clients in court.
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Paternity Suits
Alimony Assistance
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
Family Justice Centers
Adoption Legal Services
Divorce Assistance
Emancipation of Minors
Grandparent Rights
Provides services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Able to provide assistance through the partnership of community advocacy, law enforcement, prosecution, civil legal services and protection orders.
Co-located and collaborative domestic violence services provided through onsite partnerships between Family Support Center of South Sound, Thurston County Clerk's Office, Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the Thurston County Sheriff's Office, and multiple other partner organizations.
Community based advocates provide services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and human trafficking.
Clients have access to an array of services, including:
- Safety Planning
- Basic need items
- Crisis Support
- Shelter & housing search and placement
- Support in filing of police reports if requested
- Explanation and assistance filing civil protection orders, as well as court accompaniment
- Culturally competent services in a multitude of languages
- Connection to resources for outside needs
- Other services based on clients’ needs.
Family Justice Centers
Human Trafficking Legal Assistance
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Offers a wide array of social services and government assistance to victims of domestic violence. Services include civil and criminal legal advocacy, electronic protection order filing, safety planning, and other services.
Providing crisis intervention services in a welcoming environment. Survivors meet with a trained advocate to develop safety plans, receive domestic violence education and identify options to connect to other services at the CJFJC and in the community. Also serving friends and family members of victims, this program provides domestic violence education and tools to support and increase their loved ones’ ability to effectively safety plan and access continued services and care.
Support available includes:
- one-on-one advocacy (safety planning, DV education and ongoing one-on-one support),
- assistance with filing protection orders
- address Confidentiality Program
- access to civil legal referrals
- support groups
- access to DSHS and Department of Child Support
- emergency housing information (no direct shelter)
- referrals for immigration support
- access to criminal justice services
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Family Justice Centers
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Provides assistance with filing for temporary and full orders for protection from domestic violence by a current or former intimate partner; other types of protection orders also available. Maintains informational website.
Provides advocacy services in King County Superior Court to current or former intimate partner victims of domestic violence.
Services include: assistance in filing for temporary domestic violence protection orders, drafting proposed orders, information and referral to social service agencies, domestic violence information, advocacy, court preparation and accompaniment to full order hearings (advocates cannot speak in court).
Maintains website with instructions and information on protection orders.
A DV protection order is a two part process which includes the filing of a temporary order and then a full protection order entered approximately 14 days later, if granted by the court.
Temporary Domestic Violence Protection Order: A civil order that restrains the abuser (respondent) from committing further acts of assault or violence against the person who has been victimized (petitioner). The petitioner (person seeking protection) must fill out a packet of forms that include providing a description of the acts of domestic violence that have occurred and the protections they are seeking. They will be asked to describe the most recent incident of domestic violence or fear of imminent harm and a history of any other incidents of domestic violence. Upon filing, the Petitioner should be prepared to provide the respondent's home and/or work address and birth date to help ensure that Law Enforcement can enter and serve the order on the respondent. A judge or commissioner will review the paperwork, ask questions, and decide whether or not to grant the temporary order (for 14 days).
Full Domestic Violence Protection Order: An order that is granted after the court determines by a "preponderance of evidence" that domestic violence has occurred. At the full hearing, the Judge will give both parties (petitioner and respondent) the chance to talk about the allegations of domestic violence and whether the order should be granted or not. The full order can be in effect for one year or longer, in some cases. The process to obtain the full order may last for two to four hours, but the actual full hearing itself may only be about 15 to 30 minutes.
Any time prior to the expiration date, the petitioner may return to court and request that the order be modified (to be made more or less restrictive) or terminated. The petitioner may also request a renewal of the full order up to three months before its expiration date.
General Crime Victim Assistance
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Judicial Advocacy
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Provides legal assistance with family law, will preparation, SSI, guardianship, power of attorney, protection orders, and credit issues.
Provides free legal assistance for low-income individuals who would otherwise be denied access to the legal system because of the inability to pay. Potential clients are screened to determine income and case eligibility. Referrals are made to local attorneys who volunteer their time.
Provides legal assistance with the following: Family Law (includes family law class to anyone who is seeking help in having their family law court documents reviewed), Debtor-Creditor, Bankruptcy, Social Security/ Disability, Wills/Power of Attorneys, Guardianship, Landlord/Tenant, Child Support, Immigration, and Protection Order.
* Does not assist with: Criminal matters (of any kind including traffic infractions), Termination of Parental Rights, or Adoptions.
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Child Custody/Visitation Assistance
General Legal Aid
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Will Preparation Assistance
Paternity Suits
Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Restraining Orders
Landlord/Tenant Dispute Resolution
Legal Counseling
Child Support Assistance/Enforcement
Crime Victim/Witness Related No Contact Orders
Divorce Assistance
Tenant Rights Information/Counseling
Living Wills
Landlord Rights Information/Counseling
Welfare Rights Assistance
Emancipation of Minors
Offers domestic violence support, crisis intervention, support groups, and legal advocacy services to abused Latino women and their families.
Provides legal support and advocacy-based domestic violence counseling that helps survivors overcome barriers. Offers culturally and linguistically trauma-informed intervention, prevention, and outreach services including DV crisis response.
Services include transitional housing, safety planning, meeting basic needs, individual and family therapy, peer group counseling as well as bilingual and bicultural, and step-by-step guidance to help navigate legal systems that ensure protection orders are in place and enforced by the law.
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Crime Victim Safety Planning
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Offers domestic violence support, crisis intervention, support groups, and legal advocacy services to abused Latino women and their families.
Provides legal support and advocacy-based domestic violence counseling that helps survivors overcome barriers. Offers culturally and linguistically trauma-informed intervention, prevention, and outreach services including DV crisis response.
Services include transitional housing, safety planning, meeting basic needs, individual and family therapy, peer group counseling as well as bilingual and bicultural, and step-by-step guidance to help navigate legal systems that ensure protection orders are in place and enforced by the law.
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Crime Victim Safety Planning
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Has information about passports, state info, various forms, family law assistance, criminal fines, mandatory parenting classes, and domestic violence resources.
Serves as the official record keeper for the Superior Court. Serves the courts and the citizens of Mason County in a manner best suited to provide quality, efficient, and effective service. The position of County Clerk is best characterized as the administrative and financial officer of the Superior Court. The County Clerk’s purpose is to ensure the separation of powers among the three branches of government by preserving the integrity of the judiciary. Those three branches are Executive, Judicial and Legislative.
Adoption Petition Filing Offices
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Adoption Records
Court Ordered Parenting Programs
Divorce Petition Filing Offices
Local Officials Offices
Divorce Records
Provides assistance with filing for temporary and full orders for protection from domestic violence by a current or former intimate partner; other types of protection orders also available. Maintains informational website.
Provides advocacy services in King County Superior Court to current or former intimate partner victims of domestic violence.
Services include: assistance in filing for temporary domestic violence protection orders, drafting proposed orders, information and referral to social service agencies, domestic violence information, advocacy, court preparation and accompaniment to full order hearings (advocates cannot speak in court).
Maintains website with instructions and information on protection orders.
A DV protection order is a two part process which includes the filing of a temporary order and then a full protection order entered approximately 14 days later, if granted by the court.
Temporary Domestic Violence Protection Order: A civil order that restrains the abuser (respondent) from committing further acts of assault or violence against the person who has been victimized (petitioner). The petitioner (person seeking protection) must fill out a packet of forms that include providing a description of the acts of domestic violence that have occurred and the protections they are seeking. They will be asked to describe the most recent incident of domestic violence or fear of imminent harm and a history of any other incidents of domestic violence. Upon filing, the Petitioner should be prepared to provide the respondent's home and/or work address and birth date to help ensure that Law Enforcement can enter and serve the order on the respondent. A judge or commissioner will review the paperwork, ask questions, and decide whether or not to grant the temporary order (for 14 days).
Full Domestic Violence Protection Order: An order that is granted after the court determines by a "preponderance of evidence" that domestic violence has occurred. At the full hearing, the Judge will give both parties (petitioner and respondent) the chance to talk about the allegations of domestic violence and whether the order should be granted or not. The full order can be in effect for one year or longer, in some cases. The process to obtain the full order may last for two to four hours, but the actual full hearing itself may only be about 15 to 30 minutes.
Any time prior to the expiration date, the petitioner may return to court and request that the order be modified (to be made more or less restrictive) or terminated. The petitioner may also request a renewal of the full order up to three months before its expiration date.
Judicial Advocacy
General Crime Victim Assistance
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Provides services to all victims of crime, including: domestic violence and sexual assault, assistance with protective orders, a 24-hour crisis line, information and referral, and emergency services.
Assists domestic violence and sexual assault victims and victims of crimes with a wide range of services to help them overcome their current situation. All services are provided without regard to race, sex, color, national origin, gender identity and orientation, creed, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, or any other basis prohibited by law.The services are the following: - Assistance with protective orders- A 24-hour crisis line - Information and referral - Support groups for women and youth - Emergency services - Court support - Temporary shelter for physically and/or emotionally abused victims and their children- Help with crime victims compensation - Legal advocacy, including assistance in obtaining protection orders, divorce or custody - Assistance with other social service organizations, law enforcement officers, and the court system - Education about domestic violence dynamics
Specialized Information and Referral
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Crime Victim/Witness Related No Contact Orders
Sexual Assault Protection/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Provides legal consultation and advocacy for survivors of domestic violence, including assistance filing for protection orders.
Provides legal advocacy for issues related to domestic violence, sexual assault and family law.
Please note - no attorney on staff, legal advocacy and referrals only.
Distributes packets of self-help forms and assistance filing for protection orders.
Legal clinic offered by attorney on an as needed basis for Vashon Island residents.
Stalking/Harassment Orders
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Sexual Assault Protection/Restraining Orders