
1-25 of 108
Provides obstetrics and additional supports to help low-income women on Medicaid have a healthy pregnancy and until baby turns 1 year old. May include case management, nutritional counseling, home visits and help applying for health insurance.
Offers an evidence‐based home visitation case management for pregnant and newly parenting women with substance use disorders.


Home Based Parenting Education
Case/Care Management
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.


Disability Related Parenting Programs
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Public Health Nursing
Case/Care Management
Provides supportive case management to pregnant and newly parenting women in recovery from substance abuse.


Case/Care Management
Home Based Parenting Education
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Provides support and information to pregnant women who are also on or eligible for Apple Health (Medicaid). Nurses, social workers, and community health workers support expectant mothers before birth and for two months after birth.


Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Case/Care Management
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Provides advocacy and access to community-based services for youth, ages 12 through 24. Staff will need to speak with the youth directly.


Emancipation of Minors
Eviction Prevention Legal Assistance
Welfare Rights Assistance
General Education Advocacy
Criminal Record Expungement Assistance
Housing Complaints
Post Conviction Restoration of Civil Rights
Special Education Advocacy
Case/Care Management
Medicaid Appeals/Complaints
Juvenile Diversion
Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Disabilities
Housing Advocacy Groups
Children's Rights Groups
Individual Advocacy
Serves children who have serious physical, behavioral, or emotional conditions that require health related services beyond those required generally.


Child Health and Disability Prevention Exams
Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays
Disease/Disability Information
Case/Care Management
Health/Disability Related Counseling
Provides a range of addiction and substance use disorder treatment services to support adults and adolescents as they recover from substance use disorders. Includes assessments, outpatient treatment and counseling. Provides substance abuse treatment for youth 12-25.


Case/Care Management
Central Intake/Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Intervention Programs
General Addictions/Substance Use Disorder Support Groups
General Assessment for Substance Use Disorders
Substance Use Disorder Counseling
Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Court Ordered DUI Evaluations
Offers a home visitation case management program.


Case/Care Management
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Home Based Parenting Education
Provides obstetrics and additional supports to help low-income women on Medicaid have a healthy pregnancy and until baby turns 1 year old. May include case management, nutritional counseling, home visits and help applying for health insurance.


Case/Care Management
Prenatal Care
Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.


Case/Care Management
Disability Related Parenting Programs
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Public Health Nursing
Provides pregnancy and parenting related care coordination and support, including home visits, to pregnant people on Medicaid as well as to first time parents. Also provides assistance and guidance to parents of children with complex medical needs.


Case/Care Management
Disability Related Parenting Programs
Public Health Nursing
General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Helps pregnant and newly parenting mothers with substance use disorders get healthy and gain independent family lives. Provides home visitation, support and transportation as part of a three-year program. Women will not be dropped from the program for relapsing.


Case/Care Management
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Home Based Parenting Education
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs. Serves youth up to age 21.


Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Case/Care Management
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Child Guidance
Offers a home visitation case-management program for pregnant and newly parenting women with substance use disorders. Helps mothers build healthy families and prevent future births of children exposed prenatally to alcohol and drugs.


Case/Care Management
Home Based Parenting Education
Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment
In-home support program for young parents and their infants; serves parents 24 and younger who are parenting their first child.


Home Based Parenting Education
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Case/Care Management
Provides supportive services to adults age 60+, adults 18+ with a developmental disability and their caregivers. Focuses on serving multicultural families in South King County.


Case/Care Management
Caregiver Consultation and Support
Parent to Parent Networking
Special Education Advocacy
Parent Support Groups
Caregiver Training
Offers intensive mental health care and team-based case management for children, youth and families with complex needs, including developmental disabilities.


Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health
Child Guidance
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Case/Care Management
Provides preventative health services to help women have a healthy pregnancy. Offers family-centered obstetrical care, including delivery at Swedish First Hill.
Offers both family and individual therapy for children and families. Helps children and families use their strengths to build resiliency and develop the skills needed for recovery. Also provides comprehensive behavioral health services and wraparound supports for Medicaid eligible youth with complex behavioral health needs.


Case/Care Management
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Community Mental Health Agencies
Child Guidance
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
Family Counseling
Provides a home visiting program for at-risk low-income parents with children 2 months to 1 year of age. Provides advocacy, linkages, information, and referrals.
Offers a wide variety of free services, including parenting classes and workshops, family programs, parent-led programs such as cooking classes and field trips.


Parent/Child Activity Groups
Case/Care Management
Children's Play Groups
Parent Support Groups
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Provides services in the home, clinic, hospital, or community. Services include nursing, nutrition, counseling and unlimited basic needs, resources (housing, diapers, financial, medical, baby items, food & clothing).


Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs
Childbirth Education
Prenatal Care
Case/Care Management
Provides services to teenagers or women who are pregnant and parent/caregivers of children birth-5 years of age by addressing basic needs.


General Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Teen Expectant/New Parent Assistance
Case/Care Management
Adoption Counseling and Support
Formula/Baby Food
Pro-Life Pregnancy Counseling
Parent Support Groups
Adoption Information/Referrals
Baby Clothing
Pregnancy Testing
Provides outpatient mental health services and Wraparound Intensive services for children (WISe).


Case/Care Management
Wraparound Facilitation/Community Support
General Counseling Services
Child Guidance
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health